Hollywood Magic
Manufacturing Company
links - hakes
1. Who made the original Howdy Doody, used by Edgar Bergen?
2. Where is it now?
and finally...
3. Who mass-produced the Edgar Bergen marionettes... and who made the hand puppet pictured here?
Lots of questions still remain about the Hollywood Magic Manufacturing Company. You can click on the links above to discover a few answers, gleaned from on-line resources. However, the gorgeous composition-head hand puppet I own, pictured below, remains a mystery.
This is when it takes a village to raise a child... no, the answers to these questions. We are still looking for more... so should you have the time, see what you can find out, and let us know!
Happy hunting!
1907 - 1997) Morris & Rose Michtom, 19th century Jewish immigrants, moved to NYC where Morris first worked at a candy company. Inspired by Teddy Roosevelt's Outdoor Adventures, they began manufacturing teddy bears, sending one to the president. In 1904, the president bought hundreds and used them during his 1904 re-election campaigns. They founded the Ideal Toy and Novelty Company and set up shop in Hollis, Queens.
They moved from making bears to begin making composition dolls in 1907.
They produced over 200 variations of dolls throughout the composition era.
Their Shirley Temple and Judy Garland dolls were hugely successful, as was the Betsy Wetsy, made of rubber in 1934!
Pictured below are many of the rubber head hand puppets created by Ideal: more of the company history can be found by clicking here.
Rubber Head Puppet
Production Continues!
Students of the Puppet Arts Institute in Kansas City, Missouri
create their own rubber head puppets using actual rubber puppet heads manufacturered at the former Hazelle Puppet Company!
Order your own Rubber Head Puppet Kit from the Puppetry Arts Institute by CLICKING HERE!
DOWNLOAD directions for creating YOUR OWN rubber heads by CLICKING HERE!